- They are time efficient by combining your long ride with your long run.
- They allow you to take a rest day during the weekend, where you can really sleep in and recover without the stress of work.
- They force you to run slower during your long run. Too many athletes spend too much time in the moderately hard range that requires a lot of recovery.
- They force you to get your pacing on the bicycle correct so you can have a solid run.
- They force you to get your nutrition (kcal, fluid, sodium) correct.
- They build mental toughness.
- They force you to run later in the day, which is when you'll be running during a race.
- Triathlon is not just about training for a S, B, & R. It is learning how to do all three together.
- They allow you shorten your longest run to 16 miles. Thus reducing the time needed for recovery.
- They minimize the over-indulgence/reward eating to once a week, which is one of the worst things you can do nutritionally.
- They're fun.
As one gets closer to their Ironman, I like to alternating brick runs of 8, 12, & 16 miles.