Sunday, January 8, 2017

Forget Feelings

Inspired by the book F-Feelings by Michael Bennett, MD and the movie Trolls

Forget Feelings
Thoughts and feelings are random events that we cannot control. Stop trying to get rid of them. Focus on behaviors within your control, otherwise you will feel like a failure.
Forget Happiness
Acting happy is a lot easier than forcing yourself to feel happy. Ask yourself, “What would a happy person do?”

Forget Worries
If you can’t solve a problem in 30 minutes, move on and try again tomorrow. Don’t do the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Forget Fairness
Fairness doesn’t come until the afterlife. No matter how careful we are, we are never 100% safe. Getting what you deserve is a lucky event, not a right.

Forget Expectations
Being attached to things only leads to suffering. Work with what you have.

Forget Bravery
The hero and the bystander feel the same thing. It’s just a matter of what you do with the fear. What would a confident person do?

Forget Solutions
There are only compromises. Try something and move on. Think, Decide, Do. Stop waiting.