Saturday, August 31, 2013

A life of "Being" vs. "Doing"

"I stand still and let the joy of the work sink in." - Chiang Tzu

My husband and I continually go back and forth in our pursuit of balance.  Life, work, and athletics demand so much to be great.  Once there, what's next?  After you reach your goal of making it to Kona (or whatever you are pursuing) what do you do next? After you reach first place in your age group what do you do next?

Those of you that do not race may not understand the "high" you get at the finish line. Unfortunately it only lasts for a few moments and then it's gone.  Like a drug we then chase that next big thrill. Knowing this, my husband and I have begun to cultivate ways to have balance.

One of my favorite ways to get balance was inspired by Jon Kabat-Zinn in Wherever You Go There You Are.  He talks about creating a daily practice of living in the moment, not the past or the future.  By being mindful, we can be 100% in the moment and live free.  Free from the sea of thoughts that often clutter our minds.  Chose to fill your mind with just this given moment and the task at hand. It's amazing how enriching it has made my life.

Next bike ride, triathlon, swim practice, or training run, chose to be in the moment and let all other thoughts glide bye. The greatest moment is now.  Enjoy it. Take it in before it's gone.
Happy training! Happy life!

Friday, August 23, 2013

It's All Good

"It's all good" is a way of life.  It is a choice on how we chose to see the world and events.

In The Alcoholism and Addiction Cure by Chris Prentiss, he presents his philosophy and explains that it is really the only choice we have if we want to have peace.

The Denver Broncos are starting the season without Von Miller, their best defensive player.  They can chose to see that as ruining their chances for home field advantage or they can chose to see it as an opportunity.  A chance for other team members to step up and become stronger as a unit.  One choice leads to misery and distraction, while the other choice leads to freedom and prosperity.

I have seen cancer patients chose to see the positive in their disease and flourish.  They become grateful for a new appreciation of life, meeting new people, and growing closer to family.  Chris Prentiss goes so far as saying his childhood abuse has benefited him.  He says he could continue to allow that moment to ruin his life OR use that painful experience to benefit him.  He can't change the past, but he can change how the past affects his future.

In 1996, Luc Van Lierde received a 4 minute penalty during the bike leg of the Ironman World Championships.  He went on to win the race in record time.  In 2001, Tim Deboom received a 4 minute penalty.  He went on to become the first American to win the Ironman WC since Mark Allen.  Chrissie Wellington spent 10 minutes on the side of the road dealing with a flat tire and still won.  Catriona Morrison spent 45 minutes dealing with a broken chain at Lanzarote and still won the race.

When things happen are you going to let them steal your power and ruining your day, your year, or your life?  Acknowledge what happened.  Acknowledge your feelings about it.  Know that it will help you in some way, even though you may not see it today.  Make the choice and say "It's all good."