Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sugar part 2

I apologize for the F-bomb, but the quote is too compelling to ignore.  Part 2 covers the lesser known problems of sugar consumption.

Feel free to read some of the links provided as they contain more data than discussed in this blog.  As you read the blog you might feel compelled to make drastic changes.  I encourage you to refrain from such quick fixes and make small realistic progressive changes.  For example, low carb diets (< 50 g/day) are not needed nor sustainable, rather a modest reduction improves health.  The 2006 Institute of Medicine Dietary References Index (DRI) suggests 130 grams (520 calories) per day of carbohydrates to meet nutritional requirements.  This amount is sufficient, even for athletes, as aerobic activity burns fat not glycogen.

Sugar Impairs immune function
Consuming a large dose of sugar temporarily suppresses the immune system.  For several hours, the body's ability to respond to challenges is reduced and one is more likely to get sick.  Even without weight gain, sugar can damage the liver.

Increases inflammation
Sugar increases inflammation, which cause free radicals, impairs recovery, and promotes aging & disease. Several studies on dementia have found an association with inflammation, sugar intake, and insulin. Sugar has also been associated with Coronary Heart Disease and brain disorders such as MS and Parkinson's dz.

Reduces HGH
Sugar reduces the release of human growth hormone (HGH), which is the body's natural source for repair.  In the past decade, HGH has risen to prominence as several athletes have used it to speed recovery after an injury (e.g. Andy Pettitte). Reducing natural HGH impairs recovery, healing, and promotes aging.

Raises blood sugar levels
Sugar raises blood sugar levels, which stimulates the pancreas to release insulin. Over time, it takes more and more insulin to remove sugar from the blood stream. Eventually, the pancreas may stop responding leading to diabetes.  A record 382 million people worldwide now have diabetes.  It doesn't take much, one can of soda per day increases the risk for diabetes by 22%.  In addition, chronically exposing one's cells and organs to high insulin levels and glucose accelerates the aging process and increases the risk for cancer and dementia.

Sugar Promotes Glycation
This is the one that was new to me.  Sugar consumption produces Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGE), which cause irreversible damage to cells. AGEs are associated with accelerated aging, inflammation, and vascular complications. The process occurs as sugar molecules attract protein and fat molecules forming toxic glycation end-products.

No longer is saturated fat and cholesterol viewed as the culprits of heart disease.  Sugar, Trans fatsmetabolic syndrome, and inflammation are the real villains.  Unfortunately, artificial sweeteners are not a better option.

What to do
The best time to eat sugary or highly refined carbohydrate "treats" is during or right after a vigorous workout. During strenuous exercise, sugar is efficiently metabolized and quickly used by working muscles, which mitigates many of the negative side effects. Exercise also sensitizes cells to the effects of insulin, which is the opposite of chronic sugar intake. My advice is to develop a realistic plan and stick to it. Examples include: limiting "treats" to during or after strenuous exercise, only eating "treats" with meals to avoid overconsumption, limiting "treats" to a specific # of times a week, only eating "treats" at breakfast when the body is most receptive to insulin, etc.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Sugar part 1

      When speaking about weight maintenance, I encourage three fundamental tips.  Manage stress, make small realistic changes, and eat less sugar.  I knew sugar was detrimental, but I wasn't aware of the full extent until I listened to a podcast by Monica Reinagel.  The following is the first in a series of brief highlights on the consequences of excessive sugar consumption.

Sugar Provides Excess calories
Sugar is a very concentrated calorie source void of fiber.  It is not filling and it is easy to overindulge, which can lead to unintended weight gain. In his book, The Secret Race, Tyler Hamilton, an athlete with extensive experience in blood doping, claims that a 3 pound weight loss is much more beneficial than a 3 point Hematocrit increase.  From his perspective, being lean provided a greater boost than the drugs and blood transfusions.

If you need additional evidence, look no further than Luke McKenzie, pictured above, who had the race of his life after trimming down for the 2013 Ironman WC.  Being lean makes it easier to go fast.  A friend once shared her experience on an antigravity treadmill that allows you to run at various percentages of your body weight.  She started running 5:30 min/miles at 100% body wt.  She then reduced her wt by a mere 6 pounds and it helped her run 4:30 min/miles with the same effort.  

Sugar is also very addictive stimulating Opioid receptors in the brain.  Sugar was not as plentiful in the past, but it was a necessary nutrient to help gain weight for the winter months.  In our current culture, food is abundant year round and there is no longer a need to bulk up for the winter.  The challenge we all face is  that our Opioid receptors are strong.  When I go through phases where I increase my sugar consumption, usually around holidays or after races, it is hard to break the cycle.  On the flip side, if I can get through a week without eating sugary foods, the temptations subside.

What to do
Become friends with vegetables, such as celery and green beans.  Vegetables will increase satiety and reduce over-indulgence of other foods.  Set goals for your vegetable consumption.  My wife's new "small realistic change" is to eat a vegetable with two of her meals each day.  Try filling 50% of your plate with vegetables.  Be innovative with your vegetable consumption.  Check out Pinterest or the Food Network.  (e.g. Eggplant Seasoned with Garlic Salt)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

La Course en Tete

      Tiffany and I recently saw the movie 12 Years A Slave.  Following the film, in the midst of our discussion of the movie I began to think about commitments.  I thought about consistency, integrity, and being assertive.

      There were many people that were sympathetic to the slaves in 12 Years A Slave, but they weren't willing to commit to change despite their religious upbringings.  Their inconsistent behavior ended up doing more harm than good.  It further perpetuated this false image that everything was okay.  In the movie, the character, Armsby, discussed the inner conflict of being a slave overseer.  In order to cope with the atrocities he was committing and still see himself as a decent person, he needed to believe slaves were unhuman as well as consume copious amounts of alcohol.  He demonstrates a classic example of cognitive dissonance, holding two opposing views at the same time creates tension that needs to be addressed.  

      I also look at the Jonathan Martin situation and see a lack of commitment.  Martin left the Miami Dolphins after allegedly being bullied by teammates.  Other athletes had to know what was going on, but they didn't say a thing or didn't say enough.

      Eddy Merckx, the greatest cyclist ever, is the perfect example of 100% commitment.  Every race he entered, he gave his utmost.  If there was an opening, he made a decision and committed to it.  By committing fully to his decisions, he was able to break through mental barriers and achieve greatness.

      I believe raising children is the same way.  One must be consistent and assertive.  Young children are not fully developed intellectually, hence they need someone to guide them.

      God also calls us to commit to Him.  Just like parents know more than children, God knows more than us.  In turning our lives over to Him we gain freedom.  We become free from the pointless worries about money and status.  Free from cognitive dissonance and anxiety.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Food we love: Quan Hapa

Quan Hapa: Asian Street Food

In addition to training for triathlons, my husband and I really enjoy exploring our home city of Cincinnati.  One of the many reasons I enjoy hanging out with my husband is his unmatched adventurous spirit in trying food from around the world.  We recently discovered Quan Hapa, which specializes in Asian street food.  Their atmosphere is chic and clean with several flat screen televisions broadcasting Asian shows. During the warmer months of the year, the glass walls of the restaurant are opened to a street side patio allowing everyone to experience the outdoors.

On each visit, my husband has made a point of ordering an exotic item from the menu.  We've eaten Fried Pig Ears, Squid, and most recently Balut (click to learn more).  It was one of the most unique dishes that I have ever tried.  Below is a video on how to eat Balut.  I only wish I had seen this video before we ordered.

Balut will probably go down as "one and done," mainly because I am not a big fan of egg yolk.  I also do not want to eat something that can look at me.

For those less adventurous, there are several other great dishes.  Try the Shrimp Chips, which are puffed chips made from starch and shrimp.  When I am calorie counting I go with the Asian Pear Salad. Follow it with a Japanese pancake (a mixture of flour, yam, egg, & cabbage) or a Banh Mi Burger (similar to a slider).  Both dishes are mouth watering.

They also have Ramen Noodle Soup, but it was just okay. Nothing to write home about.

I regret to report that we have yet to leave room for one of their authentic desserts.  I must warn you, one visit will not be enough!

Onwards and Upwards!!!!